Contest is now closed. Thank you for participating =)Hello everyone! Thank you for following me, I have now more than 500 followers! And of course, this means: Giveaway Time!
Do you wanna know what I'm giving away? Then drumroll please....
I'm giving away the newest 8 konad plates!

Rules are as follows:
* You must be a follower. I should be able to track you, and it was so hard last time! If your profiles are private, please mention your Google Friend Connect nickname =) (Obligatory, 1 entry)
* Tweet about this giveaway. (1 extra entry)
* Mention this giveaway on your blog. You can write an extra entry, or keep it on the sidebar. (1 extra entry)
* Contest Part: This time, I thought about a nail art contest about The Girliest Nails Ever! Whether with freehand or Konad, rhinestones or other decorative stuff, do the girliest manicure =) Let it be tacky, let it be something you wouldn't wear on a daily basis, but have fun! (3 extra entries! There will be a voting afterwards, and the winner will get 10 more extra entries!!!)
I know there is no guarantee that the winner will also win the giveaway, but the point is to have fun and I don't really like plain random giveaways... I want people who want it really much to be able to do something to stand out more =) Oh, and the winner will receive a small gift, even if they don't win! (I haven't decided on that gift yet.)
Just leave a comment to this post including your name, e-mail and the links to the terms from the above list. (Like your twitter url, your blog entry about the giveaway, your blog address, and the blog entries.) Send the contest entries to my e-mail address, trincess at gmail dot com, with the topic: 500 followers contest. Please do not post your giveaway manicures on your blog till the deadline, do not spoil the fun! The deadline is May 31st, 11:59 pm (GMT)! Please go with the rules for your entries to be valid. The ultimate winner will be decided randomly after the voting. Good luck! =)
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